Tradis Gat is a business partner and a representative of many international companies in Israel
Tradis Gat, founded in 1963, is an Israeli company specializing in the promotion of medical brand products and prescription medications. Our vision is to advance medical technology and ensure Israeli residents have access to cutting-edge treatments
About us
The company markets and distributes medical equipment and advanced treatments throughout Israel. It collaborates extensively with prominent manufacturers and represents leading companies in their respective fields.
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years of successful experience
coverage and distribution
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medical centers
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products in marketing
Tradis Gat – who are we?
Our company is committed to a combination of essential values: quality, professionalism, reliability, innovation, and excellent service
תחומי התמחות
טרדיס גת מתמחה בשיווק תרופות וציוד רפואי מתקדם וחדשני, בתחומי רפואה שונים לרופאים וחולים בישראל
תחומי התמחות
סוגי מוצרים:
- אורתופדיה ורפואת ספורט
- רפואת עיניים
- רפואת אף אוזן גרון
- גסטרו
- אסתטיקה רפואית
- טראומה
- כוויות וחבישות
- תרופות מרשם
- תרופות מרשם
- תרופות ללא מרשם
- קוסמטיקה
- משתלים וכלים ניתוחיים
- ציוד דיאגנוסטי והדמייה
מיכשור קפיטאלי
קרא עוד

Our specializations
Tradis Gat specializes in marketing advanced and innovative pharmaceuticals and medical equipment across various medical fields to doctors and patients in Israel
Our products:
We specialize at:
- Prescription medication
- OTC medication
- Cosmetics
- Implants and surgical devices
- Diagnostic and radiology equipment
- Capital instruments
- Orthopedics and sports medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Ear Nose & throat – ENT
- Gastroenterology
- Medical aesthetics
- Neurology – Parkinson’s
- Trauma
- Burns and bandaging.
- Prescription medication
Read more
Our services
We provide holistic service and comprehensive customer care to our clients – medical teams, patients and their families and care givers








Our partners
We represent many companies in many fields within our company, among them you can find:
Tradis Gat in the news

From depression to vomiting: the heavy price of weight loss injections
The weight loss injections sound like a relatively simple solution for rapid weight loss...